Questions and answers about the Nobel Prize award ceremony and banquet in Stockholm on 10 December 2024.
Who has been invited from the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) and government to the Nobel Prize award ceremony and banquet?
The entire Swedish government has been invited to the Nobel Prize award ceremony at Konserthuset (Stockholm Concert Hall). Among those Swedish officials invited to both the award ceremony and the banquet are the speaker of Parliament, the prime minister, the minister for foreign affairs, the minister for culture, the minister for finance and the minister for education, as well as the chairperson of the General Council of the Riksbank (Swedish central bank). The party leaders of all parties that are represented in the Riksdag have also been invited to both the award ceremony and the banquet.
Have all party leaders said they will attend?
The Nobel Foundation usually tells which official representatives have been invited but does not comment on which individuals accept or decline the invitation.
Will the prime minister be coming?
On 9 December, the seating of banquet guests at the table of honour will be published. It will show which members of the Swedish government are attending.
How many guests may the Nobel Prize laureates bring?
Each laureate may bring a significant other and a party of 14 more people, for a total of 16 people.
Who will be present from the Swedish Royal Court?
This year the King, the Queen, the Crown Princess, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip, Princess Sofia, Princess Madeleine and Christopher O’Neill will attend.
Which representatives from the diplomatic corps have been invited?
This year, the Nobel Foundation’s Board of Directors has decided that the diplomatic corps will be represented by its doyen, in other words the ambassador who has been in Sweden the longest and who, according to protocol, will represent the entire diplomatic corps. In addition, the ambassadors representing the countries of the laureates and Norway’s ambassador will be invited to both the Nobel Prize award ceremony and the banquet.
This means that in 2024 the ambassador of Hungary, who has been in Sweden the longest, is being invited. In addition, Canada, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and Norway are being invited.
Have media representatives been invited to the Nobel Prize award ceremony and banquet?
Yes, about 25 Swedish and international journalists will be attending, as well as about ten photographers from news agencies.
Who else has been invited?
Previous laureates who will be in Stockholm have been invited, as well as representatives from the prize awarding institutions. Other attendees will be people who participate in one way or another in the work of the Nobel Prize, benefit science as donors or provide support in various ways to the Nobel Foundation and the prize awarding institutions or the public entities in the Nobel sphere.
How many guests will attend the award ceremony and the banquet?
There will be 1,560 guests attending the award ceremony and approximately 1,250 guests at the banquet.
Frågor och svar om Nobelprisutdelning och bankett i Stockholm den 10 december 2024
Vilka bjuds in från riksdag och regering till Nobelprisutdelning och bankett?
Till Nobelprisutdelningen i Konserthuset bjuds hela den svenska regeringen in. Till både prisutdelning och bankett bjuds exempelvis talman, statsminister, utrikesminister, kulturminister, finansminister och utbildningsminister samt Riksbanksfullmäktiges ordförande. Även partiledarna för alla partier som har representation i riksdagen bjuds in till både prisutdelning och bankett.
Har alla partiledare tackat ja?
Nobelstiftelsen brukar berätta vilka officiella representanter som bjuds in men kommenterar inte vilka individer som tackar ja eller nej.
Kommer statsministern?
Den 9 december publiceras placeringen av gäster på honnörsbordet. Där framgår vilka från regeringen som deltar.
Hur många gäster får Nobelpristagarna ta med sig?
Pristagarna får ta med sig en partner samt ett sällskap om ytterligare 14 personer, totalt 16 personer.
Vilka närvarar från Kungahuset?
I år deltar Kungen, Drottningen, Kronprinsessan, Prins Daniel, Prins Carl Philip, Prinsessan Sofia, Prinsessan Madeleine och Christopher O’Neill.
Vilka representanter bjuds in från den diplomatiska kåren?
I år företräds den diplomatiska kåren av Doyen, dvs den ambassadör som har varit längst i Sverige och som enligt protokollet representerar hela den diplomatiska kåren. Utöver det bjuds de ambassadörer in som representerar pristagarnas länder samt Norges ambassadör till både Nobelprisutdelning och bankett.
Det innebär i år att Ungerns ambassadör, som varit längst i Sverige, bjuds in. Samt att ambassadörerna för Kanada, Sydkorea, Turkiet, Storbritannien, USA och Norge bjuds in.
Bjuds media in till Nobelprisutdelning och bankett?
Ja, cirka 25 svenska och internationella journalister deltar liksom ett tiotal fotografer från nyhetsbyråer.
Vilka bjuds mer in?
Tidigare pristagare som är i Stockholm bjuds in samt representanter från de prisutdelande institutionerna. Andra deltagare är personer, som på ett eller annat sätt deltar i arbetet med Nobelpriset, gynnar vetenskapen som donatorer eller på olika sätt ger sitt stöd till Nobelstiftelsen och de prisutdelande institutionerna eller de publika enheterna inom Nobelsfären.
Hur många gäster närvarar vid prisutdelning respektive bankett?
Det är 1 560 gäster som närvarar vid prisutdelningen och cirka 1 250 gäster vid banketten.
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